In this section you were introduced to the bacteria, the single-celled prokaryotic organisms that make up the kingdom Monera. Bacteria are divided into four phyla: Eubacteria, Cynobacteria, Archaebacteria, and Prochlorobacteria. Their shape often identifies bacteria. Bacteria can also be identified by the way in which their cell wall is colored by Gram staining.

Bacteria obtain energy in a variety of ways. Some bacteria are autotrophs, which use a source of energy such as sunlight or chemicals to produce food (organic molecules) from simple inorganic molecules. Other bacteria are heterotrophs, which cannot make their food and instead obtain energy from the organic molecules that they eat.

The energy stored in food molecules is made available for use when the food molecules are broken down. Bacteria use the processes of respiration and fermentation to release the energy in food. Because bacteria release energy in various ways, their need for and tolerance of oxygen also varies.

Bacteria reproduce by binary fission. Some bacteria also undergo other processes, such as conjugation and spore formation. During conjugation, genetic material is transferred from one bacterium to another, thus creating new combinations of genes. During one type of spore formation, a bacterium encloses its DNA with a thick internal wall to form a spore. The spore can survive harsh conditions that would kill the bacterium in its active form.

Bacteria fit into the world in many ways. For example, some bacteria help animals digest their food. Some are used in food production and industry. Others convert nitrogen gas into a form that can be used by plants. Still others break down dead material and thus help recycle nutrients in the environment.

For each of the following sets of terms, determine the characteristic common to three of the terms. Then identify the term that does not belong.

  1. spitilium, coccus, methanogen, bacillus:
  2. prokaryote, nitrogen fixation, saprophyte, symbiosis:
  3. Eubacteria, Cyanobacteria, Archaebacteria, Azotobacteria:
  4. cell wall, nucleus, flagellum, cytoplasm

Label the diagram of a typical bacterium using the following terms: cell membrane, cell wall, cytoplasm, flagellum, genetic material, ribosome.

Then answer the questions that follow the diagram.

  1. Is the bacterium in the diagram a bacillus, coccus, or spirillum?
  2. Explain. ____________________________________________________________
  3. How would you expect this bacterium to move?
  4. Suppose that this bacterium was a streptobacillus. What kind of colonies would you expect it to form?
  5. __ are used in bioengineering research to change bacteria into new but useful forms. [A]pili [B]cocci [C]plasmids [D]prophages
  6. _________ may have contributed to the development of our oxygenated atmosphere.
  7. XXXX are used in bioengineering research to change bacteria into new useful forms. [A]pili [B]cocci [C]plasmids [D]prophages
  8. a bacterium capable of growing in the presence of oxygen
  9. A close relationship in which both the bacterium and the other organism benefit is _____.
  10. a deadly form of food poisoning.
  11. A piece of viral nucleic acid that has become part of the host cell DNA is called a __. [A]plasmid [B]saprobe [C]prophage [D]bacteriophage
  12. a process used by some bacteria in order to use inorganic materials for energy.
  13. A relationship between two species with both deriving benefit is called [A]symbiosis [B]parasitism [C]conjugation [D]mutualism
  14. A rod-shaped bacterium is a __. [A]coccus [B]pilus [C]bacillus [D]spirillum
  15. A round bacteria is a [A]bacillus [B]spirillum [C]coccus [D]pilus
  16. A spiral or curved-shaped bacterium is a __. [A]bacillus [B]spirillum [C]saprobe [D]coccus
  17. a spore resistant to adverse environmental factors
  18. A streptococcus infection results from cocci bacteria that grow in _____.
  19. A structure in some bacteria that is resistant to adverse environmental factors is a(n) __. [A]prophage [B]endospore [C]autotroph [D]saprobe
  20. A type of cell extension in bacteria is __. [A]cocci [B]pili [C]saprobes [D]capsules
  21. A XXXX is a mass of cytoplasm in slime mold that contains diploid nuclei but no cell walls or membranes. [A]filament [B]plasmodium [C]fragment [D]zygospore
  22. A(n) _?_ is a virus that infects a bacterial cell. [A]endospore [B]decomposer [C]plasmid [D]bacteriophage
  23. A(n) XXXX are photosynthetic, a mass of cytoplasm that contain diploid nuclei but no cell walls or membranes. [A]Sporozoa [B]green algae [C]acellular slime mold [D]cellular slime mold
  24. Additional DNA in some Monerans is found in a(n) __. [A]capsule [B]envelope [C]saprobe [D]plasmid
  25. All organisms are totally dependent on Monerans for [A]sewage decomposition. [B]decay or organic matter. [C]nitrogen fixation. [D]their nutrients.
  26. All XXXX contain at least one of four different types of chlorophyll. [A]algae [B]funguslike Protista [C]protozoan [D]parasites
  27. An external protective layer located on the outside of the cell wall of some bacteria is a __ [A]coccus [B]capsule [C]pilus [D]vector
  28. an organism that breads down organic material.
  29. An organism that breaks down organic matter is a(n) __. [A]decomposer [B]autotroph [C]consumer [D]producer
  30. an organism that depends on other organisms for a source of energy.
  31. An organism that derives its energy from dead or dying organisms is a(n) __. [A]saprobe [B]mutualist [C]autotroph [D]bacteriophage
  32. an organism that derives its energy from dead or dying organisms.
  33. An organism that makes its own food is a(n) __. [A]autotroph [B]capsule [C]pilus [D]vector
  34. An organism that requires oxygen to live is a(n) [A]obligate anaerobe [B]lytic anaerobe [C]Lysogenic aerobe obligated aerobe
  35. Ancestral _?_ probably contributed a great deal to the development of an oxygenated atmosphere. [A]Cyanobacteria [B]Archaebacteria [C]Omnibacteria [D]Schizophyta
  36. Ancestral XXXX probably contributed a great deal to the development of an oxygenated atmosphere. [A]Cyanobacteria [B]Archaebacteria [C]Omnibacteria [D]Schizophyta
  37. Any organism or object that carries or transmits disease-causing organisms is a(n) [A]capsule [B]pilus [C]prophage [D]vector
  38. Any organism that lacks a nucleus is in the kingdom _____.
  39. Bacteria are __. [A]consumers [B]viruses [E]producers [D]autotrophs
  40. T or F: Bacteria are found in only selected habitats.
  41. Bacteria are grown in sewage to produce each of the following except [A]purified water. [B]toxins. [C]carbon dioxide gas. [D]products used in fertilizer.
  42. Bacteria may be [A]rod shaped [B]round [C]spiral [D]all of these
  43. Bacteria reproduce by dividing into two equal cells in a process called
  44. Bacteria reproduce sexually by _____.
  45. Bacteria take nitrogen from the air and convert it to ammonia that plants can use by _____.
  46. Bacteria that break down dead organic matter are [A]parasites. [B]saprophytes. [C]symbionts. [D]methanogen.
  47. Bacteria that can survive with or without oxygen are _____.
  48. Bacteria that require oxygen are called [A]obligated anaerobes [B]obligated aerobes [C]lytic bacteria [D]Lysogenic bacteria
  49. Bacteria that stain red with Gram's stain must [A]be Gram positive. [B]be Gram negative. [C]have protein outside the cell membrane. [D]have carbohydrate outside the cell membrane.
  50. Bacteria that use complex molecules of dead organisms for energy are _____.
  51. Cell walls in Monerans are weak and flexible.
  52. Conjugation in paramecia results in each individual being [A]identical [B]haploid [C]fragmented [D]genetically altered
  53. Cyanobacteria carry out the light reactions of photosynthesis in their [A]chloroplasts. [B]phycocyanin. [C]organelles. [D]membranes.
  54. Diphtheria and tuberculosis is caused by [A]streptococcus [B]staphylococci [C]bacillus bacterium [D]rickettsiae
  55. Each of the following is true of Prochlorobacteria except that they [A]are photosynthetic organisms. [B]live in the digestive tract of animals. [C]are sometimes called Proclorophyta. [D]contain chlorophyll a and b.
  56. Euglenoids are similar to XXXX because they move using one or two flagella for locomotion. [A]plants [B]animals [C]slime molds [D]sporozoans
  57. Fossil deposits of XXXX are used as "markers" to locate potential oil deposits. [A]kelp [B]Foraminifer [C]Radiolarian [D]diatoms
  58. Genetic information can be exchanged between bacteria in a process called [A]binary fission [B]vector analysis [C]mutualism [D]conjugation
  59. Halophiles can be found in __. [A]salty environments [B]areas without oxygen [C]hot environments [D]cold environments
  60. If an organism is a one-celled prokaryote, it must be both a Moneran and a (an) _____.
  61. Inorganic molecules used by chemotrophic autotrophs include hydrogen sulfide gas. T F
  62. Many Protists in the form of XXXX are the food source of aquatic animals such as whales.
  63. Moneran cell walls are [A]weak and flexible [B]brittle [C]strong and rigid [D]lacking
  64. Monerans that are similar to green plants in that they trap the energy of sunlight are [A]chemotrophic autotrophs. [B]phototrophic autotrophs. [C]chemotrophic heterotrophs. [D]phototrophic heterotrophs.
  65. Nitrogen fixation involves each of the following except [A]soybeans. [B]Rhizobium. [C]fertilizer. [D]nodules on roots.
  66. Nitrosomonas are chemotrophic autotrophs that use ammonia and oxygen to produce energy. T F
  67. Organisms that do not use oxygen during respiration are [A]lytic bacteria [B]obligated aerobe [C]Lysogenic viruses [D]obligated anaerobes
  68. Organisms that do not use oxygen during respiration are __. [A]lytic viruses [B]obligate aerobes [E]lysogenic viruses [D]obligate anaerobes
  69. Photosynthetic bacteria that need organic compounds for energy are _____.
  70. Plasmids are used in X-ray research to change bacteria into new and useful forms.
  71. Rocky Mountain spotted fever and typhus [A]streptococcus [B]staphylococci [C]bacillus bacterium [D]rickettsiae
  72. Rod-shaped bacteria are spirilla. T F
  73. Sexual reproduction occurs in Spirogyra by means of [A]fragmentation [B]mitosis [C]fission [D]conjugation
  74. Some Eubacteria move by means of [A]single cell membranes. [B]double cell membranes. [C]flagella. [D]capsid.
  75. Spherical-shaped bacteria that grow in clumps or clusters are [A]staphylococci. [B]streptococci. [C]diplococci. [D]bacilli.
  76. Sporozoans of the genus XXXX cause malaria. [A]Paramecium [B]Anopheles [C]Plasmodium [D]Euglena
  77. Staph infections and boils are caused by [A]streptococcus [B]staphylococci [C]bacillus bacterium [D]rickettsiae
  78. T or F: Cynobacteria enabled other organism to live.
  79. T or F: methanogen produce methane gas in the Great Salt Lake in Utah.
  80. T or F: Monerans are multicellular organisms
  81. T or F: Monerans are prokaryotes and have no membrane-bound organelles.
  82. T or F: The Archaebacteria may give clues about the early conditions of Earth.
  83. T or F: The origins of bacteria and Cyanobacteria are difficult to trace because of limited fossil evidence.
  84. The capsule is located inside the bacteria cell wall.
  85. The drug penicillin stops the formation of rigid walls in bacteria.
  86. The growth of bacteria is held in check by availability of food and production of _____.
  87. The macronucleus is necessary for XXXX in paramecia. [A]sexual reproduction [B]a sexual reproduction [C]moving the flagella [D]forming a zygospore
  88. The methanogen are a type of [A]Archaebacteria. [B]Eubacteria. [C]Cyanobacteria. [D]Prochlorobacteria.
  89. The plant that produces more protein per acre than any other commercial group is soybean. T F
  90. The term that includes all the others is [A]conjugation. [B]donor gene. [C]recipient. [D]protein bridge.
  91. The term that is least closely related to the others is [A]interferon. [B]virus. [C]Bacteriophages. [D]parasite.
  92. The XXXX are protists that have traits of both plants and animals. [A]amoebas [B]ciliates [C]sporozoans [D]Euglenoids
  93. The XXXX produce between 70% and 75% of the Earth's atmospheric oxygen. [A]protozoan [B]funguslike protists [C]prokaryotes [D]algae

This bacterium is a facultative aerobe. What process or processes would you expect it to use to break down food? Explain.

This bacterium is Gram-negative. What happens when it is subjected to Gram staining?

Throat infection and scarlet fever are caused by [A]streptococcus [B]staphylococci [C]bacillus bacterium [D]rickettsiae

  1. Two types of cell extensions in bacteria are pili and flagella.
  2. Under a light microscope, bacteria that are Gram positive appear _____.
  3. Unlike all other organisms, bacteria that use sunlight for energy and organic compounds for nutrition are [A]phototrophic autotrophs. [B]chemotrophic autotrophs. [C]phototrophic heterotrophs. [D]chemotrophic heterotrophs.
  4. Virus or Moneran: a unicellular microorganism
  5. Virus or Moneran: cell wall made of long chains of polysaccharides
  6. Virus or Moneran: contains DNA or RNA
  7. Virus or Moneran: has an envelope
  8. Virus or Moneran: may have a mutualistic relationship
  9. Virus or Moneran: replicates after invading the host
  10. Virus or Moneran: replicates by binary fission
  11. Virus or Moneran: survives only as a parasite
  12. What does the capsule of a bacterial cell do? [A]it allows the bacterial cell to be digested by body fluids. [B]It helps maintain water balance in the cell. [C]it exchanges genetic information between bacterial cells. [D]It increases the rate of genetic mutation.
  13. When growth conditions become unfavorable, many bacteria produce _____.
  14. Which bacteria illustrate the wide variety of environments in which ancestral Moneran forms may have existed? [A]Omnibacteria [B]Schizophyta [C]Cyanobacteria [D]Archaebacteria
  15. Which of the following bacteria is the cause of a common throat infection? [A]staphylococci [B]rickettsia [C]Treponema pallidum[D]streptococcus
  16. Which of the following belong to the Omnibacteria? [A]Cyanobacteria [B]Prochloron [C]Staphylococci [D]Halophiles
  17. Which of the following is not an evolutionary adaptation in bacteria? [A]They reproduce rapidly. [B]They have a high rate of mutation. [C]They cannot exist under adverse conditions. [D]They can utilize substances harmful to other organisms.
  18. Which of the following processes brings about an exchange of genetic information between bacterial cells? [A]binary fission [B]mutualism [C]conjugation [D]replication
  19. Which virus infects Escherichia coil a bacterium common to the human intestine? [A]T-4 Bacteriophages [B]tobacco mosaic [C]Hepatitis B [D]herpes simplex